“Reasons to Join the Pennsylvania Holstein Association”
Identified cattle are worth more money and have longer staying power in the herd
• Savings on Identification work ($8.00/hd) with Holstein USA including the Tag I.D. program and Start Up Program
• Credibility of records because of good identification and involvement in testing programs.
• Over 40 active local associations that work with members at the grassroots level.
Tours, Barn Meetings, Annual Meetings, Picnics, Cheese Sales
Dairy Promotion Activities and many other local events
Coupons to paid members for discounts from businesses
• Publications reaching our membership:
Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles
Farmshine – weekly
• Support Junior activities – help develop the future of our industry
We support over 30 contests, activities and programs for 1,650 Junior members
• Cattle Merchandising opportunities:
Domestic Marketing
Individual animals, small groups or whole herds
Consignment Sales
State Convention Sale, Eastern Elite Sale, Nittany Lion Fall Classic, Delaware Valley Green & Gold Spectacular Sale, Summer Sale
“Know What You Buy” I.D. Heifer Sales
County and Regional Sales- At least 6 Sales held annually across the state
Dispersal Sales Management
International Sales Opportunities
• 120 Acre Farm and Quarantine Facility for domestic and international cattle marketing
• Show Program that sponsors two state shows, six regional shows and over twenty local shows, and we work with the All-American Dairy Show
• Hall of Fame, Pioneer Award, Distinguished Supporter and Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder Recognitions
• Be a part of an active Association that represents its members through many other organizations and political activities.
“It’s as plain as Black & White”
Pennsylvania Holstein Association
839 Benner Pike
State College, PA 16801
Phone (814) 234-0364
Fax (814) 234-1698
E-mail contact@paholsteins.com
Website: www.paholsteins.com
Facebook: PA Holstein Association
Helpful Tips for paying your membership online.
- Click on tab at the top of the page PA Holstein Association Membership 2020/2021 – this will take you to the online membership form. Filling out of the form works best if you use the Tab Key or the Mouse to navigate through the form. Once inside the form, tab through the form and fill in all of your membership information that can be found on your application received in the mail. Update the optional items, you must fill in a 0 to proceed. If you do not know your national ID number simply use a 0 in this field.The system will automatically give you the 5% discount on your membership until November 1st.
- Please remember a 3% Surcharge will be added at check out.
- You will received an email confirmation in approximately 2 to 3 days.